Mariko Horikawa
Composer, Orchestrator, and Pianist, Mariko Horikawa was born in Tokyo, Japan. Influenced by her parents, Mariko started playing the piano at the age of two.
Mariko's career as a pianist, she won a first prize in the State Competition in the U.S. at the age of nine. After she came back from the U.S., she auditioned for Japan Piano Teachers Association(JPTA) and became a member. She entered Keio University and started playing in the band as a keyboard player and played R&B, Soul Music, J-pop, Acid Jazz, and Fusion Music. This experience influenced her future piano life. After graduating from Keio University, she worked for Yamaha Corporation. She never forgets her desire toward music and enrolled in Berklee College of Music. She graduated from Berklee with a Bachelor of Music (majoring in Film Scoring).
While attending Berklee, she had selected to several awards such as Berklee Contemporary Piano Performance Award and so on. Mariko had joined several recording sessions and clinics for Berklee's promotions. Mariko also joined Berklee Contemporary Symphony Orchestra as a Pianist and performed with conductor, Francisco Noya, Richard Sebring(French Horn Player), and George S. Clinton(Composer). Mariko also performed at Boston Symphony Hall as a pianist and a celeste for Final Fantasy Tour in Boston, lead by arranger, Arnie Roth.
Encouraged by her teacher, she started writing music at this time. Mariko's compositions and arrangements had been selected and awarded couple times.
After graduating from Berklee, Mariko moved to Los Angeles and started her career as Composer, Arranger, Orchestrator, and Pianist. Mariko joined several Blockbuster Movies and TV shows in Hollywood, such as La La Land, Star Wars the Last Jedi, Namiya, and so on. Mariko was also nominated and received several awards, such as International Film Festival in Milan and Sound Creators of the Year in Japan and so on, and performed in several theaters in Boston, such as, The Platform Playwrites' Festival in Boston, MA.
Mariko is now working as freelance composer, arranger,orchestrator, and pianist, both in Japan and in the United States.
堀川真理子(ほりかわまりこ) 作編曲家/ピアニスト
音楽だけでなく幅広く学びたいという思いから慶應義塾大学に進学。そこでR&Bやソウルミュージック、Acid Jazz、Fusionと出会う。慶應義塾大学を卒業後、プレイヤーと言う立場ではなく、客観的な観点から音楽業界を見てみたいという思いからヤマハ株式会社に就職。音楽を一から学びたいという思いを断ち切れず、バークリー音楽大学に入学し、始めは演奏家学科に在籍。在籍中、Berklee Contemporary Performance Awardなど、多くの賞を受賞。また、様々なレコーディングやバークリー音楽大学のプロモーション動画にもピアニストとして参加。Berklee Contemporary Symphony Orchestraにもピアニスト、チェレスタとして参加し、指揮者Fransico Noyaやホルン奏者Richard Sebring、作曲家George S. Clintonと共演。Boston Symphony Hallで行われたゲームFinal Fantasyツアーのボストン公演にも参加し、Final Fantasyの編曲家でもあるArnie Rothと共演。また、在籍時、教授の勧めで作曲を始める。作編曲の楽しさに目覚め、幼い頃より映画が大好きであったこと、また、自らの作曲手法が映像音楽の手法と合致したことから、映画音楽学科に学科変更し、映画音楽やミュージカル音楽を学ぶ。オリジナル楽曲がコンテスト等で様々な賞を受賞。
バークリー音楽大学を卒業後、ロサンゼルスに活動拠点を移す。様々な著名作品に携わることで、自らの作曲スキルを磨き、International Film Festival in Milanやサウンドクリエイターオブザイヤー(日本)など、様々なコンテストでノミネート、受賞する他、演劇への曲提供など活動の幅を広げている。